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Become a Distributor

The Jerky Direct opportunity is unlike any opportunity out there. Our great product and excellent compensation programs are unrivaled in the industry. As a store owner you have the opportunity to make money in a number of ways.

Hello fellow jerky lover,


Don Allen from Jerky Direct Delivery here to take a minute to share with you, a true home based business with the lowest start up investment available today! I’ll show you how I and now you can earn an income from beef jerky. I love eating jerky, but even better than snacking on jerky is making money and you can do both if you follow along.


Our History


The Jerky Direct Company began in 2004 and is one of the best network marketing opportunities in the United States. It is extremely inexpensive, risk free, and simple. In fact, Jerky Direct MLM prides itself on its KISS (keep-it-super-simple) philosophy.


The main product is an all-natural meat snack that comes in a wide variety of flavors made from the best cuts of beef, buffalo, turkey and chicken. They also have fruit snacks for those who do not care for meat. (The fruit snacks, however do have fish oil in them so they are not appropriate for vegans).


The meat snacks are all natural and/or organic, and most of the products (except the beef stix) have no MSG, no nitrates, no hormones, and are minimally processed. The result is a delicious, healthy jerky!


The retail price is $14.75 for a twin pack, and the same product under a different label is sold at Walmart and Whole Foods for $8-9 a bag. A twin pack at most retail outlets for a quality product would be $16 to $18. So it is actually a good deal, in addition to a business opportunity.


Jerky Direct Minimum Purchase


Most MLM companies have a minimum monthly purchase requirement in order to remain a commission earning distributor. The Jerky Direct business is no different. What is different about Jerky Direct is that unlike most MLMs which require $100-500 + monthly commitments, Jerky Direct’s minimum purchase is only $14.75.


Yes, that’s right only $14.75!


That gets you 2 bags of jerky a month, your choice, change your flavor anytime. Shipping is a flat $2.97 for your auto-ship. You can then purchase more products at the wholesale price if you’d like.


There are no sign up fees to join as a Jerky Direct distributor. No minimum time commitments either; you can join and then cancel in a month without penalty (though you cannot open a new store for 6 months if you choose to cancel one).

There are 3 ways to earn money as a Jerky Direct Distributor.


1.Sell Jerky Offline.

You have the ability to buy jerky at the wholesale price by the bag or in cases and resell it at local  events, charging what you see fit, for profit.


 2. Sell Online by Directing Customers to your Website

 You are provided with a totally free Jerky Direct website when you join. When customers order off your site, the company will dropship product to them and send you a check for 20% commission.


 3. Sign Up Distributors

 If you help others join Jerky Direct, like I do online, and they join under you, you receive monthly compensation based on the product that they order and that they sell.


            Get a monthly commission from their auto-ship order

            Get a 5% bonus on all wholesale orders they place

            Get a 5% bonus on all orders made on THEIR website


The Jerky Direct Payout Scale


The Jerky Direct comp plan is a 7-level payout.


What that means is that you receive compensation from the monthly auto-shipments of all those you enroll, and all those they enroll, and all those they enroll, etc, through 7-levels total. Here is the payout scale on the Jerky Direct comp plan:


    Level 1: $2

    Level 2: $0.25

    Level 3: $0.25

    Level 4: $1

    Level 5: $0.25

    Level 6: $0.25

    Level 7: $1


The Jerky Direct Business


Now, a quarter might not seem like a lot of money, but it adds up as your team grows. It only takes 7 people to get your monthly purchase for free, and because the product is of value, tastes good, and is inexpensive, you do not have as many people drop out as a typical MLM company.


How do I work the Jerky Direct business?


Actually, I do all three of the above methods.


    I enjoy enrolling distributors’ offline and on this website by sharing this super opportunity with them about Jerky Direct.


    I also, enjoy selling at fairs, festivals, special events and roadside stands.


    These offline customers then make future purchases online, and some become distributors.

How to Join Jerky Direct


Joining the Jerky Direct Delivery team is very simple!

Scroll to the bottom of the page. Click “enroll now“.


On this page, you’ll need to choose your user name and password. Keep in mind that your username becomes your website name, so if you were to choose “myjerkybiz” as your username, your website becomes:


After this, fill out the form, choose what flavor of jerky you want, and click submit! You’ve now joined my team!


Jerky Direct Auto- Ship Monthly


Jerky Direct is one of those opportunities that is available to anyone (in the US). With no sign up fees, no website fees, just 2 bags of jerky each month, everyone can afford it, and because everyone can afford it, it is an easy program to explain and sell.



Choose Your FREE Jerky Direct Training


Jerky Direct provides training materials, but those on my team have the option to take part in one of four specialized training areas, designed to kick start your business building efforts into high gear. You’ll get to choose where your interest lies. Choose one, or master them all!


Choose from:


    Food Storage

    Retail Sales

    Offline Recruiting

    Online Recruiting

    Online Marketing


What questions do you have about Jerky Direct?


I will be happy to answer them. Just submit them using the contact form below.

If you are ready to join our team now, just click on the button below!



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